Monday, October 16, 2006

My Weekend

Well, the weekend is over and it is back to work......yuk. My weekend pretty much sucked because I had the flu and I was miserable from Friday evening until now (Although I still don't feel 100%) I spent most of the weekend driving around trying to help my mom find a new dining room table....which we didn't. But I guess that is better then sitting at home doing nothing. I saw my grandma twice, once on saturday and once on Sunday. Saturday she was weak and sort of pissed off, My sister didn't help by ordering her around and my poor mom was on the verge. On the verge of what? At this point even I don't know. Sunday was better, I tried to explain to her what the situation was (i.e. Hospice, Insurance, yada yada yada.) and she seemed to understand. After that I felt that we needed to do something to get us out of our rutt, so we went to the store and bought all of the ingrediants to make a good turkey dinner. It was fun cooking with my sister and mom. I think it helped us take our minds of what was going on in our lives. We also played rummy and I LOST big time. Mom kicked all of our asses!

Today I got a phone call from my best friend (she lives in Ohio). Her grandmother is in the same boat as my grandma (she has heart problems and was recently moved from her home to Hospice.) We talked for awhile until I started to cry and then I told her that I did't want to talk about it anymore this morning. She agreed and we talked about the weather in Ohio, our jobs and other non-sad sort of things. She really is a great friend. I don't know what I'd do without her.
I just noticed how long this post is so I think I will signoff, so as they say in Namaran:
Dabor Den!! (Good Day!)

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