Tuesday, February 06, 2007

Wow it has been a loonnngg time!

I haven't posted in quite awhile. I guess I have been too busy or too lazy to write something down. (A little of both I wager). I guess I'll just go throught the basics of what has been going on:

My Grandma is at home and has 24hour care (which costs over $7000 biweekly!!!!) It all out of pocket. She seems okay, But she barely attempts to use her right arm any more, she doesn't even attempt to paint. I can actually see her decline. She just turned 81 in January. I don't know if she'll make it to 82.

My mom still is the primary caregiver to my grandma. She goes over to her house at 7:00am to give my grandma her shot and makes sure that she takes her pills (a feat in itself). My mom then drive the 20 some odd miles to work. After work she returns to my grandmothers house (around 4:00pm) to give her her evening shot and pills. (For $7000, you'd think that the in-home care would give medication, NOPE!) Mom's brothers and sister barely visit and/or help with the care of my grandma. (Nice kids, eh)

I still work in the same craptastic government job as I always have......errrr. I have put in tons of applications for jobs in Ohio and Arizona, but haven't heard anything yet.

As far as conlangs go, I haven't done much lately. I sort of scrapped my old one and am now trying to revamp it....we'll see how that goes.

Other then that things have stayed relatively the same.

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