Tuesday, October 10, 2006


Namaran Phonology (in X-SAMPA for easy reading and understanding.):

Letter X-SAMPA Example (Sorry about the alignment, If you have any questions just post a comment and I'll try to answer it.)

Aa A father
Áá Ai ice
Bb b bat
Dd d dog
Ee* E met
Éé Ei say
Ff f fig
Gg g go
Ii i feet
Jj Z vision
Kk k kite
Ll l life
Mm m mat
Nn n net
Oo O hotel
Pp p pat
Rr r\ red
Ss s sat
Shsh S ship
Tt t top
Vv v value
Zz z zero

*Pronounced like ay in say when at the beginning and/or end of any given word.

Phonological Constraints:

Namaran syllables are (C)(C)V(C)

Any consonant can begin a syllable. The permitted initial consonant clusters are:

- s + any voiceless plosive, nasal, liquid (sp, st, sk, sm, sn, sl, and sr)

- plosive or fricative + liquid (pr, pl, br, bl, tr, tl, dr, dl, kr, kl, gr, gl, fr, fl, vr, vl, sr, sl, zr, zl, shr, shl, jr, jl)

- Any nasal + r (mr, nr)The permissible final consonants are any plosive, nasal, liquid and voiced fricative (p, b, t, d, k, g, m, n, r, l, v, z, and j)


Namaran words are lightly stressed on the final syllable. However the stress may be so light that it is barely discerned by non-native speakers or may not be recognized at all.


In Namaran, elision refers to the suppression of a final unstressed vowel immediately before another word beginning with a vowel. The term also refers to the orthographic convention by which the deletion of a vowel is reflected in writing, and indicated with an apostrophe. This most often occurs between adjectives, nouns and adverbs.

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