Wednesday, October 11, 2006

My Grandmother

I got bad/good news today about my Grandma. Anyways here is a little back story....

My grandma had a massive stroke about a a year ago. It robbed her of her ability to speak and the use of her arm. She can no longer effectively communicate and she can no longer paint and draw (Something she was really good at and loved to do). Since the stroke she has been in and out of rehab and does not seem to be getting better. Around the beginning of last month she got sick and was diagnosed with congestive heart failure (an enlarged heart due to fluid build-up). She is dying.

Of the few words she can say clearly, she questions why this happened to her, what did she do to deserve this, she questions God. So do I.

My grandma wants to go home and the good news is that they (the insurance company and doctors) will let her. Hospice came and evaluated her today and accepted her into their "program" (for lack of a better word). The bad thing is that they basically believe she has only six months left and thereefor she met their criteria.

I don't know how to deal with this information. What do I do? What do I say? How will my mom cope? How will I cope? I know that my grandma is scared but how can I comfort her? THese questions swirl around my mind all day.....I wish I had someone to talk to.

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